Code of Conduct – Teaching Faculty
Code of Conduct for the Members of the Faculty
The members of the teaching faculty should endeavour to:
- Maintain a decorum, both inside and outside the classroom, and strive hard to be a role model to the students.
- Be punctual, and upright in their service delivery.
- Dress modestly and formally.
- Respect the ideals of democracy, patriotism, and peace.
- Treat the colleagues in the same manner as they wish to be treated.
- Speak respectfully of other teachers, and render, in all possible ways, assistance for their professional endeavour.
- Adhere to a responsible pattern of conduct and demeanor expected of them by the
- Render due consideration to the rights and dignity of the students in expressing their
- Motivate students to improve their attributes and at the same time contribute to
community welfare. - Encourage students to participate in both curricular and co-curricular and extension activities.
- Inculcate research aptitude amongst the students.
- Be friendly towards students and not behave in a vindictive manner with them for their past mistakes.
- Make extra efforts to resolve the apprehensions of the student and solve the queries being put up by them, post the class hours.
- Inculcate in students the respect for national heritage, national goals, and national integrity.
- Treat students impartially, regardless of their caste, creed, religion, political, economic, or social.
- Endeavor to act as a good counsellor and facilitator in guiding the students.
- Co-operate with the higher authorities, and extend support towards carrying out the.
- Programmes related to educational responsibilities, such as advising and counselling
students, and facilitate the smooth conduction of the activities, like admission, examination, invigilation, and evaluation, administrative and like.