Women Grievance Redressal & Prevention Against Sexual Harassment Committee
Women’s Grievance Redressal Committee is meant to safeguard and promote the well-being of all women employees and students of the college. It is watchful all the time to prevent any kind of abuse towards them. It takes care of all complaints on sexual harassment of women of women at workplace and action taken for redressal of complaints. The committee is responsible for looking into any complaints filed by students & staff about women grievance at college. It takes care of all complaints of the students inside the campus during college hours. It also takes care of any act of misconduct by a person in authority. The committee is responsible for looking into any complaints filed by students and staff of the college.
Sexual harassment of individuals occurring in the place of work or study or in other settings in which they may find themselves in connection with their association with the College is unlawful and will not be tolerated by the College. Further, any retaliation against an individual who has complained about sexual harassment or retaliation against individuals for cooperating with an investigation of a sexual harassment complaint is similarly unacceptable. To achieve this goal, conduct that is described as “Sexual Harassment” in this policy will not be tolerated and a procedure is provided by which inappropriate conduct will be dealt with, if encountered among employees/students.
The College will also take all the appropriate steps necessary to protect individuals from retaliation. Such Steps include:
- Action to stop retaliatory behavior.
- Providing required security measures.
- Counselling help to Complainant and Accused
The College takes allegations of sexual harassment seriously and will respond promptly to complaints of sexual harassment and where it is determined that such inappropriate conduct has occurred, prompt and appropriate corrective action as is necessary, including disciplinary action, will be taken.
While this policy sets forth the goal of the College of promoting a study or workplace that is free of sexual harassment, the policy is not designed or intended to limit the authority of the College to discipline or take remedial action for conduct which the College deems unacceptable, regardless of whether that conduct satisfies the definition of sexual harassment.
Composition of the Women Grievance Redressal Prevention Against Sexual Harassment Committee
Mrs. Mamta Suyal | Presiding officer | 9760011532 |
Dr. Elba Mandrelle | Member | 9761799735 |
Mrs. Bhagvati Tamta | Member | 9548070939 |
Dr. Shalini Pathak | Member | 8535012422 |
Mrs. Sangeeta Dhyani | Member | 9536652335 |
- Handbook on Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Click to View/Download file)
- UGC Regulations: To Prevent Women and Sexual Harassment (Click to View/Download file)