“Library is the heart of educational institutions. Well functioning heart keeps the body healthy and lively. Efficient library creates healthy educational atmosphere”- Dr. S.R. Ranganathan
The college library was established in 2005. Currently there are 14105 books of subject English, Hindi, Sanskrit, Sociology, Economics, Drawing, Political science, Education, History, Home science, Environment and General knowledge. Also there is one magazine corner and a reading room in the library. The library works on an Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) system. The College has Wi-Fi Internet connections for the use of the staff and students. Reading room for the students and teachers make it more user-friendly. The library has made significant developments in terms of integrating ICT in library services; the library is using e-Granthalay 4.0 (Integrated Library Management Software) for its housekeeping and other activities.
The College Library and Reading Room are open to all students throughout the year from10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (barring Sundays and other gazetted holidays).
The library has been divided into various sections:
- Text Book Section:Books in this section are issued semester wise.
- Reference Book Section:Books in the Reference Section are meant for consultation in the reading room only.
- Periodical Section:Periodicals, Journals, etc., of special value are included in this section. Bound volumes and loose issues of periodicals are available for consultation only. The Library also subscribes to 1 newspaper in Hindi ‘Amar Ujaala’.
General Library Rules:
- Library will remain open on each working day from 10 AM to 5 PM.
- Teachers and students can issue four books at a time.
- The timing for the return and issuing of the books for the students is from 10 AM to 5 PM.
- For obtaining the books from the library every student will have to necessarily present his/her identity Card.
- Issuing of the book depends upon its availability in the library.
- Generally books are issued for one semester. Students may issue new books after exchanging the previous books.
- All books should be deposited in the library on last working day of academic session.
- Books will not be issued unless the previous book is return.
- If the book is lost cost of the book is to be deposited in the library.
- Arrange chairs and switch off the fans and lights before leaving the library.
- For issuance of the books from the library, the students will themselves have to be present. Books will not be issued without identity card.
- Time table will be framed for issuing books for students of each class. Students will have to get the books issued by being present on date and time fixed. The time table for this purpose will be pasted on the notice board. For details click here
- The students are self responsible for the proper maintenance of the book.
- For the purpose fulfillment of above mentioned conditioned tranquil atmosphere is expected in the library.
Library In- charge: Dr. Smita
Library staff: Miss Saraswati Garbyal,
e-Granthalaya- CLICK HERE
e-Granthalaya digital library- CLICK HERE